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You want to know more about MAXFLEX?

Then just watch our videos. Here customers and experts report about their daily experiences with MAXFLEX, the shipping software on a rental basis.

MAXFLEX, the professional shipping software on a rental basis offers a wealth of possibilities and is optimally designed for small and medium-sized shipping companies. Useful features, fair prices, flexibly added services, low total investment are some of the advantages of MAXFLEX. Shipping companies remain flexible, can adjust their costs at any time, can plan and track completely transparently their investments. But take a look at our videos. Therein customers and users talk about their experiences. And if you have any questions, please contact us under +49 (0) 911 957 623 00. Or send us an email. We look forward to talking with you.

MAXFLEX – Shipping is as easy as that.

That is what customers and users say about MAXFLEX:


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That is what industry experts say about rental software for shipping companies:


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